
Showing posts from March, 2019

Lerderderg Track Stage Three

Lerderderg Track Stage Three March 21st 2019 Hike No 62  By Tim Bosher 25 (or was it 26!) hikers met at Kirk's Reservoir at 7:45am for a longish car shuttle to O'Brien’s Road via the Blackwood hotel. One of the vehicles had an incident with a kangaroo en route which fortunately left an undamaged Subaru and a rapidly retreating roo. The hike commenced with a brisk walk along O'Brien’s Road and then left along Ambler Lane until branching off onto fairly narrow single track path for the majority of the rest of the trip. The road section had one significant hill which was fortunately in a downwards direction. The path generally contoured along very steep slopes with spectacular views across steep valleys and down to the largely dry Lerderderg River far below. Features of the track were the relatively easy and level walking despite the steep terrain, the incorporation of historic water races in the path and other evidence of mining activ...

Lerderderg Track Stage Two

Lerderderg Track Stage Two March 7th 2019 U3A Hike No 61   By Chris Charleson 22 members of the U3A Ballarat Hiking Group enjoyed the second stage of the walk within the Lerderderg State Park (formerly the Pyrete State Forest), from Mt Blackwood to O'Brien’s Rd.  We started down the mount in coolish, clear conditions, but soon warmed up as we followed the recently 'dozed GDT fire tracks. The undulating trail became quite steep as we navigated down some steep rocky slopes before morning tea at Whisky Creek. We took our time here, partly to enjoy the agreeable spot, but also to brace ourselves for the steep climbing to come.  A theme became more evident as we negotiated Rum Track, Square Bottle Track, Vodka Track while passing Gin Gully and Champagne Track. This was sure making us thirsty! The walk concluded at O'Brien’s Rd, but a large tiger snake guarded the way back to our cars. After that diversion and an almo...