Lerderderg Track Stage Two

Lerderderg Track Stage Two

March 7th 2019

U3A Hike No 61 

 By Chris Charleson

22 members of the U3A Ballarat Hiking Group enjoyed the second stage of the walk within the Lerderderg State Park (formerly the Pyrete State Forest), from Mt Blackwood to O'Brien’s Rd.

 We started down the mount in coolish, clear conditions, but soon warmed up as we followed the recently 'dozed GDT fire tracks. The undulating trail became quite steep as we navigated down some steep rocky slopes before morning tea at Whisky Creek. We took our time here, partly to enjoy the agreeable spot, but also to brace ourselves for the steep climbing to come.

 A theme became more evident as we negotiated Rum Track, Square Bottle Track, Vodka Track while passing Gin Gully and Champagne Track. This was sure making us thirsty!

The walk concluded at O'Brien’s Rd, but a large tiger snake guarded the way back to our cars. After that diversion and an almost seamless car shuttle, we made our way to Mill Cottage in Ballan for refreshments.

Fauna we noted, other than our reptile, included both sulfur-crested and yellow- tailed black cockatoos, long-billed corellas and the mob of grey kangaroos at Mt Blackwood.

Flowers in the dry bush were rare. Trees included manna, candlebark, stringybark, messmate and peppermint gums. Hakeas, leptospermums and kunzeas were common in the understory with poa grasses in the gullies.

Bon Voyage to our Tasmanian adventurers Janet, Therese, Marianne and Karen! 

Photo's by Mark Bevelander 


  1. Hahaha I didn't realize that the tracks were named after alcoholic beverages!


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