Lerderderg Track Stage Three

Lerderderg Track Stage Three

March 21st 2019

Hike No 62

 By Tim Bosher

25 (or was it 26!) hikers met at Kirk's Reservoir at 7:45am for a longish car shuttle to O'Brien’s Road via the Blackwood hotel.

One of the vehicles had an incident with a kangaroo en route which fortunately left an undamaged Subaru and a rapidly retreating roo.

The hike commenced with a brisk walk along O'Brien’s Road and then left along Ambler Lane until branching off onto fairly narrow single track path for the majority of the rest of the trip. The road section had one significant hill which was fortunately in a downwards direction.

The path generally contoured along very steep slopes with spectacular views across steep valleys and down to the largely dry Lerderderg River far below.

Features of the track were the relatively easy and level walking despite the steep terrain, the incorporation of historic water races in the path and other evidence of mining activity, including a substantial tunnel off the path.

During the teabreak Marianne and Janet gave a brief account of the recent Three Capes Walk that they undertook together with Theresa and Karen. It was agreed that this could be considered as a future project for the whole group. Also, at this time Andrew welcomed two new members, Joan and Marcel.

While stopping to explore the tunnel, there was some brief confusion over checking numbers, largely due to the difficulty of counting people scattered along a narrow path. This was eventually resolved by an army style 'counting off' process.

After leaving the singletrack, the path dropped into the Blackwood Picnic ground with its pleasantly fizzy mineral spring and thence uphill for brief period to the Blackwood Hotel where the group enjoyed a substantial lunch and associated beverages.

Photo's by Mark Bevelander



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