334. Nolan Creek Circuit 12.3km Wombat State Forest

 U3A Hike No 334

Hike Report By Colin Smeaton 

A good sized gathering of 15 members of the hiking group took the long drive to Nolan’s Creek Picnic Area in the Wombat State Forest.

 Along the way we stopped to visit the Balt Camp, a work camp built in 1946 by the Forestry Commission to provide employment for young Northern European immigrants who had been displaced after World War Two. Today the site consists of two chimneys that have been beautifully restored to stand above the foundations of multiple buildings.  Well worth a visit.

The walk began with a steady climb out of the picnic area up to and along Nolan Ridge Track.  There was an abundance of wildflowers and many pockets of orange lichen on trees providing interest along the way.  Following the initial climb the walk undulated though re-growth forest with some occasional examples of magnificent older eucalypts that, for varying reasons, had been spared the axe.

The tracks were mostly well defined and presented little in technical difficulty apart from a couple of deep puddles to be negotiated following rain in the preceding days.  The rain had cleared for us though and conditions were mild and clear, ideal for walking.

Morning tea was enjoyed along the remnants of a logging tramway that had been used to transport felled logs to some of the more than 40 sawmills operating at the height of the forestry operations in the area.

 After the break the walk continued west along Stockyard Creek Track before turning north on Pumphouse track not far from where we had stopped at the Balt camp. Along the Stockyard creek valley we were surrounded by Manna Gum, Messmate and Blackwood.

The most striking feature of the Wombat Forest landscape was the extensive damage still evident following a 2021 storm.  According to the Forest Fire Management Victoria website the storm impacted around 45,000 hectares across the forest with approximately 1,600 hectares being severely impacted.  The damage is most apparent along the Pumphouse Track and around Nolan’s Creek Picnic Area with the terrain strewn with numerous fallen trees.

After completing the 12k circuit and lunch at the picnic area we took the time to complete the short Pioneer Sawmill Loop Walk adjacent to the picnic area featuring an old trench saw pit and a large sawdust mound that, despite being there for many years, seems impervious to rot.

It was a great walk full of interest in a beautiful part of our region.  Thanks to Mark for leading on the day.

Photos By Andrew Parker

                                      LISTEN TO THE GREY SHRIKE THRUSH



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