310. Nugget Gully, Linton-Nawnight-Wid-Wid State Forest. 13.7km

 U3A Hike No 310

Hike Report By Chris Charleson

A dozen keen, if chilly hikers - including our first timer Chris Nielsen set off through the fog to Linton.
As we approached the town, bright sunshine broke out and cloud banks caused by the temperature inversion appeared in the valleys to each side. A spectacular  effect for our arrival.

We parked at the Recreation Reserve and commenced the walk northerly along the rail trail (est.2004) in the stillness of the pines. This area an evocative collection of place names chosen by the miners. Mark led us into more varied terrain and a succession of gullies: Candlestick, Wattle, Bakery, Possum and of course Nuggety.

Spider webs were visible in the shafts of morning sunlight shining on the understory plants.
We encountered recently covered deep mine shafts, several adits cutting into the ridges and lots of evidence of shallower diggings.

Our morning tea stop was at the mossy bank of an old dam in the company of lots of parrots and a group of choughs.

We made our way to the well maintained memorial to the 5 Geelong West firefighters who perished in 1998 while defending the region.

A diversion took us into the cemetery with its giant cypress and monkey puzzle trees.
The separate Chinese section with its 75 mostly male occupants is a reminder of our earlier society.

Lunch in the waning sunlight completed the event- many thanks to Mark and Gordon.

Photos by Mark & Gordon


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