313. Post Office Track-Wombat State Forest 9.6km
U3A Hike No 313 Hike Report and Photos By Geoff Howard Twelve Hikers gathered at Kirks Reservoir, ready for our hike this week and, defying our usual experience of fine weather, as A A Milne would say: ‘It rained… and it rained… and it rained..! !’. This meant that, as hikers scurried to their allotted cars, our convoy departure from Kirks didn’t go according to plan and the three cars left separately finding their own way to Gambles Lane Leonards Hill. One of the cars even overshot the departure point from the Ballan-Daylesford Road because the wind towers being identified as a key marker were lost in the mist. It was still raining consistently when we set off along Post Office Track. On a positive note, t he overnight gale force winds had died away, allowing conditions to feel relatively mild and peaceful. W ell rugged up under our waterproofs we were in good spirits and able to enjoy the experience of walking through a forest of tall eucal...