295. Daylesford Two Lakes Walk 8.8km

 U3A Hike No 295

Hike Report By Chris Charleson
A dozen hikers enjoyed what was indeed a varied walk from Lake Jubilee.
The temperature, terrain and the outlook varied greatly in different locations along the route, which included sections of the Lerderderg Track.

 We began at the trestle bridge and followed a well maintained section of track above the trickling Wombat Creek, accompanied by plenty of birdsong. The eucalypts and pines in this area are imposing. 

We branched along Basin Rd behind Victoria Park where the bush gave way to stylish gardens and houses as we descended to Lake Daylesford.

 We enjoyed the elevated path to the north of the lake where we had a pleasant outlook for morning tea.

This lake was formed above Central Springs in 1929 to cover an area along Smiths Creek which had been massively scarred by mining works. Local schools and community groups revegetated the surrounds with European and native vegetation. It has been a most popular venue for swimming, fishing, boating and sightseeing at various times since then.

Next we made the steady climb up Cornish Hill with its adits, shafts and water race evidencing mining days.

From there the trail followed the old rail line, including a large cutting, which made the journey back to Jubilee much easier. We took the scenic route around the lake via the springs and the tall Elm grove before a picnic lunch at the lake.

Thanks to the navigators for the guidance.

Photos by Andrew Parker


                            FROM THE ARCHIVES - GREAT OCEAN WALK DAY ONE

                            CORNISH HILL HISTORICAL MARKERS


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