Coliban Main Channel, Taradale - 14.7 Kms

 U3A Hike No. 206

Hike Report by Jenette

From Kirks Reservoir seven hikers headed towards Malmsbury - Taradale into an ever-increasing sunny day for our hike along a section of the Coliban Water Channel.

On arriving at the corner of Belltopper Road and Channel track we are treated to the sight of a large mob of kangaroos dispersing into the bush.

The section of the Coliban Channel we are walking along meanders alongside the Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Park with picturesque farmland on the other side. Perfect country for the roos.

We were intrigued to see where the kangaroos have formed trails to move from the bush side hopping over the channel to farmland grass. Some erosion is evident on the banks of the channel carved out the ground. 

 The original Coliban Water Works were designed in 1863 by Irish engineer Joseph Brady. The system included 70 kms of open water channels, aqueducts, siphons and tunnels to carry water (by gravity) from the Coliban River at Malmsbury, north to Castlemaine and Bendigo. The opening of this famous channel would largely end the annual summer drought in the Bendigo and Castlemaine goldfields.

The Coliban system now supports the farming industries, orchards and food processors and flows during the irrigation season and periodically, as needed during the remainder of the year, to replenish urban supplies.

The walk along the channel was very relaxing with the bush about to burst with blooming wattle varieties and other wildflowers. Kookaburras serenaded us early in the walk until the cockatoos took over.

We left the channel and did a loop along undulating 4WD tracks to resume our walk back along the channel to the cars and a well-earned hot drink and lunch.

Thank you, Mark, for an interesting, sunny and picturesque 14.7 Kms hike.

Photos by Gordon, Jenette and Mark H

In the photo below, look at the prints of where kangaroos launch themselves 
over the channel in one big leap.

Links to Coliban History Notes:

This is the link to a book about the water channels from the Coliban Main Channel to Fryerstown:


This is the link to information about the Coliban Channel and its engineer J Brady.

The link to the GPX map of the hike will be added later. 


  1. Thanks Jenette and Theresa, it looks like a lovely day. Jane


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