
Showing posts from July, 2022

Coliban Main Channel, Taradale - 14.7 Kms

 U3A Hike No. 206 Hike Report by Jenette From Kirks Reservoir seven hikers headed towards Malmsbury - Taradale into an ever-increasing sunny day for our hike along a section of the Coliban Water Channel. On arriving at the corner of Belltopper Road and Channel track we are treated to the sight of a large mob of kangaroos dispersing into the bush. The section of the Coliban Channel we are walking along meanders alongside the Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Park with picturesque farmland on the other side. Perfect country for the roos. We were intrigued to see where the kangaroos have formed trails to move from the bush side hopping over the channel to farmland grass. Some erosion is evident on the banks of the channel carved out the ground.    The original Coliban Water Works were designed in 1863 by Irish engineer Joseph Brady. The system included 70 kms of open water channels, aqueducts, siphons and tunnels to carry water (by gravity) from the Coliban River...

Waterloo State Forest Circuit - 15 Kms

 U3A Hike No. 205 Hike Report by Colin On a freezing winter's morning seven doughty U3A Hikers set out for a hike in the Waterloo Forest near Beaufort.  We met at Selkirk Stadium, Norman Street and travelled to Beaufort in two vehicles, arriving at the starting point outside the Waterloo Cemetery.  The walk was a 15 Km circuit, led by Gordon with Chris as the Whip.  When we arrived at Waterloo, there was still frost on the ground but as the morning progressed the sun came out and conditions improved considerably.  It turned into a pleasant day with almost no wind. The route was hilly and scenic, following tracks through the forest, and occasionally alongside farmland. The views across the hills were very attractive.  On one of the bush tracks, we had an echidna hurtle across in front of us, then proceeded to dig itself a hole.  It stopped digging when its head was hidden, even though the rest of its body was exposed. A few of mobs of kangaroos were sig...

Lincoln Gully - Wrights Gully Circuit, Creswick Regional Park - 12.4 Kms

 U3A Hike No. 204 Hike Report by Fiona The 12 km circuit hike in the Creswick State Park was led by Mark Hawley.  It involved walking through parts of the Goldfields Track as well as other minor bush tracks. Throughout the hike we sighted many remains of 19 th  Century goldmining activities including deep mines, sluicing remains and water races. We commenced walking eastward from Slatey Creek Camp Ground 1 along the Goldfields Track for about 1 km before turning left, heading north and descending down a steep gully.  Along the way we sighted some early flowering wattles and cream flowering hakeas.  When we climbed out of the gully we continued on the Goldfields track until we reached Humbug Rd.  We walked along Humbug Rd for about 1 km before crossing Lincoln Gully Road. We stopped for a pleasant morning coffee break in an open clearing nearby. As we continued along this track we passed by the Lincoln service Basin (Central Highlands Water) near Creswick-Bu...