Woowookarung 12km Circuit Hike

U3A Hike No 91

Hike Report by Ewan Barker

The culmination of this year’s programme of interesting and varied hikes was the gentlest and easiest hike of the whole year, and one of the shortest. It even started at the civilized hour of quarter to nine. But there was method in the madness because we had to be back at Ingrid and Andrew’s house in time for the traditional Christmas barbecue. 

We left Valley Drive and started out walking back towards the centre of Ballarat along the Canadian Creek Trail, passing the remains of a large cyanide tank in the ground, a remnant of our gold mining past.

At the netball courts we turned right and continued up through Pennyweight Gully, where we saw the path of the old Buninyong railway line and the remains of a small bridge on it. Our route then took us past Sparrow Ground Reserve and Pax Hill Scout Camp and Activity Centre, where we decided not to try the climbing wall, not least because it was locked away. 

From there we meandered through the Canadian Forest, only once turning back on ourselves. This brought forth the remark that going round in circles offers infinite possibilities in navigation. Some of the trees showed the scars of fire from a few years ago, and there were quite a few grasstrees, many with very straight and upright flower spikes, but some with spikes with interesting bends and sideways twists. A bit further on, Andrew told us about the planned 'Dementia Friendly Sensory Walk' which will appear there as part of the recently formed Woowookarung Regional Park. (see a link after the photo's for more information)

Eventually we were back to Civilization, or at least Suburbia, and back to Ingrid and Andrew’s beautiful house and garden, where we all relaxed on the back deck in the cool shade. The barbecue was all we could have hoped for, with splendid salads and delicious desserts as well. Many thanks to Ingrid and Andrew and all their helpers. 

Grateful thanks were expressed to Andrew and Gordon for all the work of planning and leading the walks. The group is now so popular that it has a waiting list. 

Finally Andrew gave tours through the thoughtfully designed and beautifully built house, which was purpose built and run for eight years as a B&B. 

I think we all left with fond holiday greetings and keen anticipation of next year’s hikes.

Photo's by Mark Bevelander


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