Lake and Park Walk 12KM

Hike No 87

Hike Report by Andrew Parker 

Due to the forecast temperature being raised and raised again in the few days prior to our hiking day, the eventual top temperature forecasted being 36 degrees and a Total Fire Ban. I accordingly changed the listed hike to an urban one. A 12km walk around Lake Wendouree and Victoria Park’

However, the day before, when I emailed the group regarding the change, I mistakenly listed the start time as 8:45am instead of 7:45am.

Not realising this until about 7:15am, I quickly sent out text messages to the group.

As a result, when we set off belatedly at 8am from the vicinity of the Lakeview Hotel we had a group of only six hikers.
By the time we had walked halfway around the Lake the numbers swelled to thirteen, as we were joined from time to time by additional walkers.

The wind was horrendous on the south side of the lake as it seemed to pick up speed crossing the lake. When we arrived at Victoria Park it was a relief to find it much more sheltered.

It was interesting to see all the sites marked out around the lake for the Springfest event a couple of days away. A large part of Victoria Park was fenced off for the upcoming ‘SpiltMilk’ concert, but the places where it crossed the walking track was left accessible.

All in all, apart from the wind it was a very pleasant easy walk and especially the coffee at the end.


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