Dry Diggings Track - Stage Five - Tipperary Walk

U3A Ballarat Hike No 71

By Mark Bevelander

We commenced our walk from Hepburn Springs to Daylesford Lake by challenging ourselves to a rather steep hill. As we struggled up it a car drove past with the driver waving to us, well really…

The weather started off rather grey when we left Hepburn but gradually more and more blue sky appeared until the last third of the walk was in continuous sunshine.

The overall walk involved a 100m climb over the 16 or so km with lots of downs and ups following the contours along Springs and Sailors creeks running a fair amount of water after a few weeks of periods of rain. The scenery was quite superb looking down onto the various rock formations and rapids of water through Breakneck Gorge, the Blowhole, Tipperary Spring, Bryce’s Flat, Twin Bridges etc. 

There were quite a few obstacles along the track with fallen trees to clamber over and, one occasion, traversing a rocky outcrop leaning over the creek which required considerable care to traverse. The track itself was very wet and muddy and, with a deep falloff into the creek, it was very important to be aware of every step taken.
We had morning tea at the Blowhole and lunch at Tipperary, both stops were greatly appreciated especially Tipperary where the creek was flowing and gurgling across rocks in a warm glow of sunshine.
Chris had an appointment and left early, but he met us after Twin Bridges to warn us that our intended trek towards Central Springs was quite dangerous due to washaways and fallen trees. Thanks to him we found another way and headed back to Hepburn for a much needed café.

Thanks again to Gordon who did a great job in the planning and leading us safely on the day.

Photo's by Mark Bevelander 




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