340. Upper Maribyrnong River 11km

U3A Hike No 340 Hike Report By Jan Herperger Today’s hike was on a 5th Thursday which meant we were off to Melbourne. Using public transport to get to the start of the hike and then back from the finish point was too convoluted so we drove instead to Canning Reserve in Avondale Heights. Two of the vehicles were left there and then the nine of us climbed into the other two cars and set off to begin the walk at Brimbank Park, in Keilor Park. This is a very large parkland (328.7 hectares) managed by Parks Victoria and judging by the size of the car parking area and large number of picnic tables it must be a very popular spot. The weather was overcast at the start and there was a bit of a cool breeze - perfect for a ramble along a river. The path was nice and wide which made it perfect for chatting with the person next to you and also flat enough and devoid of rocks and bark and other trip hazards so that it was easy to look around at the scenery. This scenery included lovely old red ...