Shelly Beach to Apollo Bay - Day Two of Apollo Bay Camp
U3A Hike No 273 Hike Report by Anne 11 walkers gathered for the short drive to Shelly Beach Car Park. Three koalas were spotted as we scanned the tall trees surrounding the car park. We set off through the beautiful forest and tree ferns down to Shelly Beach, where we spent some time exploring the beach and marvelling at the patterned rocks. Tina spotted 2 starfish sheltering under a rock in the sand. We walked back up from the beach and rejoined the track heading to Marengo. Andrew told us Marengo was named after a ship that foundered on a reef off the coast of Marengo. Gordon told us that Marengo was a Napoleonic battle which was the origin of the dish Chicken Marengo. Geoff thought it possibly came from someone asking “Where did my meringue go”? We continued through coastal forest until we came to Three Creeks Beach. We huddled on the rocky beachside in the lee of the wind and had our morning tea break. The walk continued along the beach until we came to the path that led s...