Blackwood-Lerderderg Tunnel Circuit - 15.6 Kms
U3A Hike No. 143 LINKS to interactive map, gpx download, historical notes and track notes after the photos Hike Report by Joan Brick Gordon may have thought that all of his warnings may have put a few people off from doing this walk but it did not deter ten of us that were looking forward to this adventure. It truly lived up to the description given with steep ascents, steep descents , narrow water race trails with steep drops, open mine shafts near the tracks and walking through a river bed which thankfully was dry! The hike began at the Blackwood Mineral Springs Reserve. Our first steady climb was on the track to Shaws Lake. The view of the Lake as well as the lovely picnic area made it well worth our while. Remnants of gold mining were evident with the wide area of sluicing that occurred as seen in the area adjacent to the Shaws Lake. There was also the evidence that a bushfire had gone through this part of the park though the regrowth on t...