Mt Beckworth 9km Hike + Abseiling
U3A Hike No 113 Hike Report by Martin Russell As we assembled at Fishers IGA (Miners Rest) the morning that greeted us was cold and overcast with a considerable layer of fog. Blue Group were the first to depart , heading off into the fog towards Mt Beckworth and our starting point - Cork Oaks camp ground. Once organised, we set off for the Scenic Reserve located at the top of the Mount, where we would find fabulous views of the countryside and visit the famous “Lollipop Tree”. But first we had to navigate our way up the slight incline of Mt Beckworth itself . Did I say slight . This was trek that was not for the faint hearted . N aturally we found it was necessary to regularly pause , to take in the magnificent views and scenery out towards Waubra . Many commented ...